Aaron Cash and the Quick Response Team are receiving an update!

Design changes focussing on dynamic sculpts and exciting poses will make them much more visual. In addition, the new miniatures will be created in thermoplastic, the new material that we are using in our miniatures and to make them more resistant and lighter.

They will have the corresponding adaptation to the Batman Miniature Game third edition. For now we can say that Aaron Cash will be “Elite Boss (Swat)” and the Quick Response Team members will be “Elite (Swat)” but there will be many more changes.


Created by Dan Slott and Ryan Sook, Aaron Cash made his first appearance in Arkham Asylum: Living Hell #1.

Aaron Cash worked for the G.C.P.D. on a special task force for Commissioner Gordon until a traumatic event caused him to resign. At that time he went to work at the Arkham Asylum where he ended up being one of the most respected guards there.

Aaron Cash got off to a good start at the G.C.P.D. where, due to his proficiency in melee combat, it was not difficult for him to adapt to this environment. He would soon become the leader of a group of guards thanks to this tireless work, and Gordon trusted him so much that he even introduced him to Batman in those early days.

aaron cash hand

It seemed that his job in the G.C.P.D. was perfect for him but everything changed when Aaron Cash suffered an incident that would always be on his conscience.

This caused Cash to resign from his job with the G.C.P.D. to become a security guard at Arkham Asylum. There he lost his hand after being attacked by Killer Croc in a riot. He would never forget that event and he began using a grappling hook to substitute for his hand.

aaron cash first appearance


  • When Batman’s identity was discovered, Cash told him that he preferred to continue calling him Batman.
  • Cash has a phobia of crocodiles. This is a metaphor for Peter Pan since, like Hook, who has the same phobia too, he lost his hand to the killer croc and replaced them with a hook.
  • Clayface turned into him once.
  • He has a wallet made from Killer Croc’s skin.

What do you think of these new versions? Stay tuned to our social networks to discover all the details of these incredible miniatures.

Let’s talk about calculator

Greetings Bat-fans,

Today we are going to talk about a very charismatic character from the Batman universe, Calculator.

Calculator, Batman, Gotham

Noah Kuttler, also known as Calculator, was originally a Gotham City villain and was created by Bob Rozakis and Mike Greil, first appearing in Detective Comics #463 (September 1976).

Soon we would start to see him become a super intelligent enemy of Batman. Calculator has a worldwide communications network that provides supervillains with data, making him Oracle’s evil counterpart.

First steps

His criminal career began with him dressed up as a giant calculator to commit his crimes, but they were small and not very well thought out and so he was quickly arrested.

However, Kuttler was not locked up for a long time because he managed to escape from prison. It was at that moment that he decided to reinvent himself to be more than just a regular villain.

Calculator, Oracle, Batman

At one point, a friend told him about the Birds of Prey and Oracle’s work. This caught the attention of Calculator and played on his ego. He had always considered himself smart and looking for a challenge like that, so when he discovered the existence of Oracle, he decided to fill the same role but for the criminal underworld.

It was an extremely simple task due to him already having several friendships with villains. He began to get work for his peers and was soon able to create a large network of information and connections. This new role made him one of the founding members of the Secret Society of Super Villains, and he has also been a member of the Fearsome Five.

He is usually a villain who fights the Birds of Prey. Several times it was thought that he had been defeated by Blue Beetle, Atom, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Elongated Man, Hawkman, Batman and Air Wave. This was not the case.

Concept, Calculator, Batman


For the creation of this character the designers looked to the, then, new trend in technology – electronic calculators. Noah Kuttler took his powers and costume design from the recently popular pocket calculator that had taken the market by storm with its modern and current esthetic.

Calculator, Batman

His costume had the characteristics of a calculator of the time. He had a large number pad on his chest and an LED screen on his helmet. When he typed on the keyboard, he could make “hard light” constructs of the helmet appear, creating tools and weapons, like the style of Green Lantern’s power ring.

Following this line, Noah used the online screen name and avatar called Babbage, after the inventor of the Calculator, Charles Babbage.

Once he had his defined identity, he began his criminal career looking for a way to stand out among the other villains. This was achieved when he specialized in creating useful information for the rest of the villains to make things difficult for Batman and his allies.

Calculator, Batman, Gotham

That’s all, Bat-fans. Remember that you can pre-order Calculator and the rest of the releases launched this month. Don’t miss out!

Let’s talk about Alfred Pennyworth

alfred pennyworth gotham

Greetings Bat-Fans,

Alfred Pennyworth, synonymous with loyalty to the Wayne family. He has remained loyal throughout his master Bruce’s career as the dark knight helping the Batfamily.

Created by Bob Kane and Jerry Robinson, Alfred Pennyworth was first introduced in the Batman comics in 1943 (although his first appearance was in the events of Detective Comics #16).

Sometimes a counselor, sometimes a protector, sometimes simply a houseworker and sometimes a fundamental part of the strategies and adventures of the Dark Knight, this beloved butler with salt-and-pepper hair, glasses and a British accent is one of the most important people in Bruce Wayne’s life after the murder of his parents.

Alfred is indispensable to Batman, not only because he keeps the mansion and the Bat-cave in order, but also because he is considered a great advisor and close friend. It could be said that he is the moral anchor of Bruce Wayne and his savior in certain aspects because he helps to relieve his emotional burden, heals his wounds and helps him prevent other people from realizing his secret identity.

Such is the importance of Alfred to Bruce Wayne that he has come to be called “Batman’s Batman”. The butler knows Bruce better than anyone, and is a key player in his undercover work as Batman, helping him with strategy and tracking his plans.


In his first appearances in the comics Alfred was a fat and clumsy detective. Batman and Robin gave him clues so that the criminals he caught would be punished. They then took him on as a butler when he discovered his identities. At first, they did not agree with this idea, but after proving that he had more abilities than he initially seemed, they agreed and let him stay with them at Wayne Manor.

Alfred Pennyworth first appearance

This story completely changed in 1944. In Detective comics #83 they gave Alfred a radical transformation to bring him closer to the butler idea they had in mind. Over time they have been adding those details that they thought were appropriate, but the version of Alfred that we all know is that of the character exposed in post-crisis.

The story of a retired agent who followed his dying father’s wishes to carry on the tradition of serving the Wayne family. In these comics Alfred discovers the secret identity of his master upon hearing the sounds of an injured Batman coming from the old Grandfather Clock in the house (entrance to the Bat-cave).

batman's butler

His origins were also modified. This adaptation tells that before the war Alfred was a classic British actor who eventually became an ethics and special operations management executive with connections within the intelligence service.

In part Alfred Pennyworth is very important in helping Batman because he is so versatile. He knows about martial arts, programming, and mechanical engineering. Furthermore, he is versed in fencing, has medical knowledge, and, thanks to his previous work, is a great strategist.

batman's butler first appearance


· Alfred has come to replace Batman. This happened in a recent edition of Batman: Rebirth. When Henry Clover, Jr., a hero turned villain, was about to cause trouble in Gotham city. To distract him, Bruce convinces Alfred to wear the Bat’s uniform through the streets.

· In Detective Comics #328 (1968) Alfred was killed and later revived by a scientist, but as a villain. Created to destroy Batman, he fought against him on several occasions, until he managed to return him to normal.

· He has a daughter Julia Remarque. Her mother is Mademoiselle Marie, Alfred’s partner during World War II.

· In Batman #39 (2015), Alfred loses his hand to the “hands” of Joker.

Joker and Alfred

Also, he is an extremely popular character with the audience and the DC characters. Over the years, several superheroes have openly shown admiration for Alfred, including: Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern. Although, everyone knows that his biggest admirer is Bruce Wayne himself, who considers him one of the most important people in his life and a faithful friend who will always be there for him.

Alfred Pennyworth, miniature, statue

That’s all, Bat-Fans. We hope you enjoyed the story of Alfred Pennyworth. Remember that the incredible Alfred miniature is now available in our webstore so you can add him to your crew and help Batman in his mission to eradicate crime and corruption from Gotham City.

Batman Miniature Game: September Releases!

Greetings Bat-Fans!!!

Today we bring you the September releases for Batman Miniature Game! This month we give you some great new options to add to your crews to give your games an original touch.


Alfred Pennyworth, the Batman

Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne’s butler is now available in this classic version where he is holding the cowl in front of the Grandfather Clock that is actually the entrance to the Bat-Cave. If you look closely you can see that the clock hands mark the time of death of the Waynes.

This miniature has the same traits as the special Black Friday 2021 Alfred, so the latter will serve as a skin for this Alfred Pennyworth.


Joker, Jason Todd, Death in the family

Then we have one of the most special miniatures of this 10th anniversary of Batman Miniature Game: The Joker 10th Anniversary Edition. This miniature represents one of the Joker’s most memorable moments, and it was the Batman fans themselves who made the decision as to what extent the Joker’s actions affect Jason Todd.

This amazing BMG 10th anniversary commemorative figure serves as a skin and shares the profile with the previous Joker miniature released in 2019.

You can learn more about this miniature in the following article.

And speaking of the devil, we have two packs related to him that you are going to love.


The Joker, Clowns, Joker crew

First, we have the Street Jesters. These incredible reinforcements for the Joker crew come to give light and colour to your games.

It is worth noting that among these reinforcements we can find a friendly henchman who is perfect for standing up to Mr Freeze’s crew with his fireworks. You must have them in your crew!!!!!


Smilex, Joker, victims

Next up, we have the Gas Puppets. Citizens who have been affected by the Joker’s gas and have now started acting like zombies, roaming the streets taking orders from the Joker.

These puppets are ideally suited to create chaos at the gaming boards by poisoning their enemies.


Calculator, Gotham

Another really fun option we have for your games is Calculator. This computer genius is very versatile and fits into almost all crews. Calculate your chances of hitting before attacking Calculator, you may not get another chance.


Riddler, Batman

As you can see, this month we have a wide variety of characters available, but that’s not all, apart from these wonderful miniatures, the Riddler markers are here! These markers have been designed in the style of the enigmatic villain. Personalize your games with this suspect markers pack which includes 3 Riddle markers and 8 dial-shaped markers for selecting numbers.

That’s all, Bat-fans. If you want to know more about Batman Miniature Game, visit and discover our full range of miniatures.

Joker 10th anniversary edition

A death in the family, Robin death

Today we are here to talk about one of the most stylised miniatures we have made so far – The Joker 10th Anniversary Edition.

As you know, Batman Miniature Game is 10 years old, and to celebrate it, here at Knight Models we have recreated one of the most iconic moments of the Joker story featuring Jason Todd.


Jason Todd is Batman’s second Robin and was killed by the Joker. This story took place between 1988 and 1989, fortnightly, between issue numbers 426 and 429 of Batman, and gave readers the unusual opportunity to influence the story by means of telephone votes.

Then, the four issues were published in a compilation volume with the name “Batman: A Death in the Family”.

Robin death, concept, Batman, A death in the family

The story centers on Jason Todd when The Boy Wonder discovered a dark family secret. His mother is not actually his biological mother. So, he sneaks out of Wayne Manor to look for his birth mother.

Meanwhile the Joker has once again escaped from Arkham Asylum. Batman follows him to the Middle East where he meets Robin, who is following the clues he has obtained about his mother.

Once there, Jason meets his mother and they share a tender moment. Unfortunately though for him, she is being influenced by the Joker, and so she gives him her own son.

Seeing that he has Robin in his power, Joker brutally hits the Boy Wonder with a crowbar, and ties him and his mother to a bomb. Meanwhile, Batman thinks something is wrong and looks for Robin, but when he finds him he realizes that he is too late to save them. At this moment Batman begins to feel guilty for having named him Robin too quickly and decides to continue his fight alone.

A death in the family, Robin death

“A Death in the Family” has always been one of the greatest tragedies in comics.

There is no moment as dark as when Joker brutally kills Jason Todd.

Of all the horrible things the Joker has done to his victims, the brutal murder of Jason Todd will remain one of his greatest moments of cruelty. Hitting young Robin with a crowbar and letting him die in an explosion is remembered as the act that permanently transformed the Joker into one of the greatest monsters in the DC Universe. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, one of the last words Jason said to Joker as a plea made his harrowing death even worse.

The story is notable not only because the Joker savagely beats up Robin, but because by this time, DC has left the young man’s fate in the hands of the audience via a telephone vote. With only a slim margin to “Yes” (5,343 votes against 5,271), voters opted to let Jason Todd die and the event would cast a dark shadow over the entire Batman family for years to come.


When there was no longer any hope for him, Jason Todd revives and becomes the Red Hood. With this new alias he seeks revenge on the Joker at all costs. Once he finds him he ties him to a chair and points a gun at him, but, even being threatened with a gun, the Joker taunts Red Hood, revealing that, in his last moments, the young hero begged for his life saying “I’ll be your Robin.”

With his usual personality, the Joker revels in the painful torture and death of Todd until the moment when Red Hood can’t take it anymore and shoots him dead.

Jason Todd’s death has long been seen as an act that helped usher in the beginning of the “Dark Ages” of comics. The Boy Wonder’s brutal torture and death had a profound effect on the Batman story. Bruce went to a dark place, always regarding Jason’s murder as his greatest failure and for years refusing to allow another Robin to take his place.

The “A Death in the Family” arc took a huge step forward for comics in general, proving that even beloved heroes can’t always avoid the worst endings.

Jason Todd’s death was neither the first nor the last time that DC comics would touch on the subject of Robin’s death, although it was the first time that he would truly die. The image of Batman carrying Robin’s corpse, or the simple mention of Robin’s death, had been used in previous issues, the most famous story being that of “Robin Dies at Dawn” (Batman #156) from 1963.


Because the vote was so tight, DC created an alternate, uncolored version of Batman #428 in case readers voted to keep Jason alive. This variant became very famous, especially for the cover of Batman holding Jason and saying “He’s alive! Thank God!” A new variant of this was used for the story “Red Hood: Return of Jason Todd”.

Alternative ending, A death in the family, Robin death

Obviously, thanks to the tragic history and subsequent revenge of Jason Todd, the cruelty of the Joker was strengthened and to this day, along with other titles such as “The Killing Joke”, the Joker’s crazed rage is known as one of the most iconic facets of the character.

That’s all, Bat fans! Remember that the Joker 10th anniversary is now available on our website. Besides we will reveal more teasers about the new releases that we have available.

Batman Miniature Game: August Releases!

Finally, the most iconic Back to Gotham miniatures can be purchased separately!

We know you were waiting for it. We’ve received a lot of suggestions about making a release with Back to Gotham miniatures, so we’ve decided to listen to you and create some products that you’re going to love!

These miniatures are divided into 5 different options.

There is a pack for each main character such as the Batman Mcfarlane edition, Harley Quinn, to which we wanted to add her beloved hyenas, or Deadshot.

Batman, Mcfarlane, Back to Gotham, Gotham
Harley Quinn, Back to Gotham, Gotham
Deadshot, Back to Gotham, Gotham

And there are two other packs that include more fantastic miniatures. One pack contains the GCPD agents together with Detective Harvey Bullock and the other one has the awesome Gotham thugs.

GCPD, Police, Gotham, Bullock

Gotham, thugs, Joker

Each pack will have different affiliations, so you can choose the pack that suits you to include it in your favorite crew, or you can get something more versatile like the Gotham thugs, which can be included in almost every BMG crew.

But there is even more exciting news!. In addition to these amazing miniatures, you can also get the new lamppost and sewer figures and the Batman Elseworld I pack!

Gotham, sewers, lampost

The new miniatures designed to replace the tokens used to represent the lampposts and sewers will improve your gaming experience, and help you visualize the actions that you carry out with your characters.

And finally, the Batman Elseworld I pack will include three special editions of Batman. These are: The enigmatic Batman Gaslight, Batman Red Rain, and our famous Batman Death Metal. These three Batmans are finally available again in one amazing box.

Batman, Gotham, special edition

That’s all Bat-Fans. Which pack best suits your crews? The choice is yours. You are the one who is going to create the ideal strategy to finish off your enemies, so think about the pack that best suits your plans and defeat your rivals with these incredible miniatures!

Scenario 5: Bring the Rat into the Light

The Batman, Falcone

Greetings Bat-Fans!

Today we bring you the fifth and final scenario of the starter campaign for The Batman, the new Two-player Starter Box.

The Riddler’s trail has unmasked Carmine Falcone as the rotten heart of Gotham City’s corruption. The Batman and GCPD converges upon his hideout at the Iceberg Lounge, as well as a cat burglar with a score to settle…

Download the scenario and reveal the ending of this epic journey!


The Batman, Falcone

Greetings Bat-Fans!

Today we bring you the fourth scenario of the starter campaign for The Batman, the new Two-player Starter Box.

All the clues lead to one man: Carmine Falcone. Can Batman and Lieutenant Gordon finally unmask the crime lord?

Download the scenario and find out for yourself!

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