Following the evacuation of Gotham City during the Arkham Knight incident, the notorious biker gang known as the Street Demonz swore allegiance to the Penguin. Since then, their hideouts have frequently been used to store Penguin’s merchandise, increasing the standing of the Street Demonz in the criminal underworld, and adding serious muscle to the Penguin’s smuggling operations.
– 2 detailed thermoplastic miniatures ready to assemble and paint.
– 2 elliptical plastic bases.
Age recommendation:
This product is not a toy. The product has been deemed appropriate for children of 14 years of age based on its attributes.
More information:
The thermoplastic complies with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/904 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.
Additional information
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